Jr. Rescue
Young divers aged between 12-14 years old rise to challenges and learn how to master them in the PADI Rescue Diver course
Upon completion, they become Junior Rescue Divers. They must always dive with a certified adult.
Rescue Training Sessions:
- Tired Diver Tow
- Panicked Diver
- Response from Shore, Boat or Dock
- Distressed Diver Underwater
- Missing Diver
- Surfacing the Unresponsive Diver
- Unresponsive Diver at the Surface
- Exiting the Unresponsive Diver
- First Aid for Pressure-related Injuries and Oxygen Administration
- Response from Shore / Boat Unresponsive Diver
Open Water Scenarios One and Two incorporating:
- Unresponsive Diver Underwater
- Unresponsive Diver on the Surface, Exiting the Unresponsive Diver and First Aid
Includes PADI E-book and certification!